

Her work is characterized by vivid energy and dynamism that is tinged with serenity. She plays with the binary aspects of her own history and experience, and the resulting oeuvre is highly-nuanced and technical. She demonstrates a contemplative approach to her art.

- Art Underground Gallery



Listen In.

Here are my favourite podcasts I’ve been interviewed in.


For Press

I’m open to working with bloggers, editors, writers, podcasters, videographers and other artists for your media piece. There are many images on my site that you can use freely if you feature me. If you have any questions, please email or send your message via the contact page.  I’m always open to interviews, and would love to share my story and process with you.

For crediting purposes: Copyright for art, copy, videography and photography for the website and social media channels belong to Dreams of Source / Meghan Geliza Jackson.