


All artwork, images and contents of this website, courses and content on associated social media channels are the sole property of Meghan Geliza Jackson T/A Dreams of Source and are held under copyright. Artwork, images, courses, contents of this website and content associated social media channels may not be reproduced, sold for profit or used for professional or personal gain without Meghan Geliza Jackson T/A Dreams of Source’s written consent. All images of artwork, licensed, sold or otherwise, are retained by Meghan Geliza Jackson T/A Dreams of Source, unless subject to a specific, separate written agreement.

I retain all rights to all artwork I create. This includes the rights to the image of sold, licensed & commissioned original paintings & prints.

When you purchase an original painting or prints from Collections you, the Collector have the right to display the artwork in your home or business, but the artwork may not be reproduced in any way without my written permission (e.g. Print Reproductions). If the artwork ends up being displayed in a magazine or other media for the purposes of display or promotion, I only ask for credit (and congratulations on having a beautiful home!).

For commercial commissions and licensed work, a separate written agreement with different terms will be outlined specific to our project together.