


Meghan Geliza Jackson T/A Dreams of Source is dedicated to assisting and supporting people in positively enhancing their lives. She does this by offering people art, information, advice and instruction as an Artist, Intuitive Facilitator and as a Consultant. This website and its offerings are an expression of creativity that reflects the experiences, transmissions and considerations of its creator.

Meghan Geliza Jackson T/A Dreams of Source is not a therapist, medical/health practitioner or life coach. The advice and information she offers on this website are based exclusively on her experiences, studies and training. She makes no promises regarding the accuracy, relevance and quality of the information and the methods used in her work. She does not conduct any medical or psychotherapeutic work or diagnoses, rather she offers her clients an artistic and spiritual perspective to aid them in their self-healing and self-empowerment.

Meghan Geliza Jackson T/A Dreams of Source does not claim to heal people. She supports and empowers people to heal themselves.